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  • Genres: Non-Fiction
  • Letters from the Sourdough...

    Letters from the Sourdough Bagel comprises some forty pieces, each of which began as a letter to my friends. Whatever the content of the stories — some humorous, others questioning, a few outrageous — all are marked by the warmth and intimacy associated with reading a letter, a moment akin to conversing with a friend.
  • Launch Lead Live: The...

    Is your organization struggling under the weight and expense of what feels like overwhelming but necessary change? Every day, organizations experience the fallout of failed organizational change initiatives—cynical employees, frustrated leaders—because they are not able to successfully implement or sustain the changes needed to compete. Leaders believe employees are resistant to change. Employees believe leaders are unreasonable and that change is undertaken only for its own sake.

    But resistance to change is not inevitable. It can be prevented. You don’thave to feel like you are going into battle every time your organization wants to do something different. There is a better way.

    Launch Lead Live helps the executive leader create a healthier, stronger organization because of change, not in spite of it, introducing keyelements that you can integrate into your leadership and management practices so change is no longer a liability but an asset.
  • Ladder Valley

    We had a saying: “Only the ‘weaker sex’ is tough enough, mule enough, to stick it out in the bush country.” Living on the edge of the Saskatchewan boreal forest, we learned what we were made of—both the good and the bad. The continuation of the award-winning series of memoirs: Black Fury, A Family of Our Own, and Know Thyself. The bittersweet memories of three generations of women.
  • Know Thyself

    I read the ad. "Know Thyself. Astrology lessons--only serious students need apply." To know myself--how wonderful! But I didn't realize just how long and rough the road to self-discovery would be. The sequel to the award-winning memoir, Black Fury and A Family of Our Own. The compelling true story of a family in turmoil.
  • Journey to Joy: The...

    You will laugh. You will cry. You will be uplifted. Journalist Christalee Froese vividly brings to life her recovery from depression in her first book, Journey to Joy. This bold, brave memoir follows Froese on a two-year journey to restore her happiness, and her faith in life. After spending 21 days each month focusing on life-restoring topics like peace, creativity, food, fitness, faith, love, writing, travel, gratitude, and joy itself, Froese emerges with the hope she’d lost. Both heartbreaking and humorous, Journey to Joy offers insight into the stumbles and falls of recovery, and the persistence required to get back up time and again. Froese’s journey takes her to a Chinese orphanage where she finds courage, strength and true purpose. The raw storytelling will change how you view depression and anxiety … and permanently alter your own approach to joy. Most profoundly, Journey to Joy will restore your faith in miracles, and the underlying goodness of mankind. "Grab a pack of sticky notes and choose your own topics of joy. I invite you to embrace your suppressed desires as we wind our way through this book, and life, together. May the act of writing down things you love and have always wanted to do set you free, as it did for me." --Christalee Froese
  • It Takes 2 to Tango, Maybe...

    This book speaks to the power of commitment and availability as a treatment tool to effect the most change. In traditional therapy the therapist sits on one side of the process and the client sits on the other. In Dr. Manswell's approach, the therapist, while still respecting the boundaries of therapist and client, becomes part of the solution. Trust, availability, respect, commitment and patience shared equally amongst these three key players makes the difference. Gambling addiction is such a puzzle to those not afflicted with this disability. Dr. Manswell and his clients help us gain insight into the thinking process and emotions that are at war within the gambler as they struggle to overcome the devastating hold gambling has over their lives. It is a story of pain, but more importantly it is a story of hope and of perseverance — and, finally, of success.
  • Inviting Writing into the...

    A teacher's handbook created for active use in the classroom, its clear, informative descriptions and full-colour examples encourage teachers to use writing skills as part of their science lessons and curriculum.
  • I Like You, I Like Me, Too!

    A Teacher/Parent Guide to help children ages 6-10 develop self-esteem base on Choice Theory.

    I Like You, I Like Me Too! is a fun and easy-to-use anti-bullying parent/teacher resource to help children realize their potential and the power of choice in their lives. It is an opportunity for them to begin to "think out of the box" from a very early age and prepare for their future by meeting their own needs, setting their own goals and learning how to make themselves happy by choosing positive behaviours.
  • I Know My Onions:...

    "My parents and my three older sisters were already in the Model T Ford. I think it was old because it had no top. It was moving day. My dad had filed on a homestead and we were about to begin the two-hundred-mile trek from Watrous to Carrot River, Saskatchewan. My powder blue dress was scattered with tiny pink flowers. Mother had fashioned it from pieces that had once been part of a dress she had worn. To me, the move mattered not at all. The usual aura of family security prevailed. How could a child of barely five years know the hardships that lay ahead?"

    Ileen (née Sheehan) Boechler?s plainspoken memoir of a childhood spent homesteading beyond the 53rd parallel tugs at the roots of northern life, peeling back the layers of family and community connections to reveal the growth that is possible because of them.
  • Horse Lake Chronicles

    Memories of a northern childhood. Aldred Neufeldt grew up in the small Mennonite community of Horse Lake, northern Saskatchewan, in the 1940s—a place considered by everyone else to be “the boonies” and a time when the devastating effects of the Great Depression were still being felt. Though times may have been tough, it was a childhood of wonder and discovery, nurtured by energetic and resourceful parents who expressed their Christian faith and community values through deeds more than words.

    Neufeldt recounts what it was like to live in the log house built by his father; run along deer trails in the nearby Nisbet Forest Reserve; walk to school on the old Carlton Trail; model home-sewn fashions inspired by the latest Eaton’s catalogue; navigate the social dynamics of a small one-room school; and come to understand how the diverse personalities that made up his extended family—from hardworking pioneer grandparents to an infamous distant cousin accused of murder—helped to shape his own identity.

    Told with zest and a keen eye for humorous detail, Horse Lake Chronicles immerses readers in a way of life now scarcely remembered, and in doing so invites us to reflect on our own origins and pathways to adulthood.
  • Healthy Aging Naturally:...

    In Canada, 89% of senior citizens aged 65 and older have at least one chronic disabling degenerative disease. Healthy Aging Naturally provides evidence-based natural, healthy lifestyle strategies that can prolong productive disability-free years (so you will age independently).
  • Government House, Regina,...

    From its humble origin as a one-storey frame house to the stately brick structure of today, the story of our provincial Government House is a long and interesting journey. This illustrated history of Government House brings to life the role of the vice-regal representative and explores the many uses the building itself has served, taking the reader on a narrative and photographic voyage from its unpretentious beginnings before the birth of our province to its present-day regal splendour. Published in celebration of the 125th anniversary of Government House in 2016, Government House, Regina, Saskatchewan: An Illustrated History is a trip through time that preserves, promotes and enhances the important place Government House occupies both in Canadian history and in these modern times.


“For professional, up-to-date, accurate, beautifully designed, creative, well-edited books YNWP is the publishing company to use. Heather Nickel has established a reputable publishing company and handles her authors with dignity, respect and honesty. YNWP = excellent books.”

Marion Mutala, author of the award-winning Baba’s Babushka series
"Competent, creative, thorough, helpful and available - a pleasure to work with!"

Mercedes Montgomery
“My first venture into the world of publishing was made easy with YNWP. In addition to a great job of design and promotion, the whole experience was pleasantly informative for me. With Heather’s help, the publishing and sales of my book exceeded my expectations.”

Eileen Munro, author of ABC’s Down on the Farm
"One of the most enjoyable experiences of my writing career has been publishing Ghosts of Government House with Your Nickel's Worth Publishing. Heather Nickel's knowledge and expertise shines in all areas of the self-publishing process. Her designs and ideas are exciting. Her support and assistance right through to the marketing and distribution are valuable assets to her service. What I appreciate most is that she provides a complete publishing package and is totally committed to her clients, offering a wide variety of choices for individual needs at every level of involvement. Her dedication to each project and her commitment to professional, high quality products are self-evident. She's also fun, versatile and creative and her excitement about her business is contagious! I already anticipate working with her on another creation."

Judith Silverthorne
Ghosts of Government House
"Heather's knowledge ... of book publishing, her general business acumen and her confidence in all parties involved have brought self-publishing to a new and appealing level. She is the glue that binds a successful book together!"

Myrna Guymer
The Canadian Shield Alphabet
"If you are looking for someone to work with you on publishing a book, I would recommend Heather without hesitation. I would use the words "dedicated," "hard-working," "professional," "creative," "timely," "pleasant" and "tactful". It doesn't get any better than that. I am very proud of what we did together."

Marcia Frid
I Like You, I Like Me, Too!
“YNWP did a excellent job of editing, layout and cover design, which I believe contributed to selling 500 books in seven weeks. I found Heather to be extremely accessible, and very helpful.”

Ileen Sheehan Boechler, author of I Know My Onions: Homesteading North of the 53rd
"Your Nickel's Worth Publishing was invaluable in editing, designing layout and publishing my first book; Heather made what I wrote look good and I have had many positive compliments on it from friends and professionals alike. I am very proud to see it sitting on shelves in libraries and Canada's leading book stores."

Shirley Harris
Forgotten Gardens, Abandoned Landscapes & Remarkable Restorations
“YNWP provides a truly professional service."

Boris Kishchuk, author of Long-Term Care in Saskatchewan and Crown Corporations of Saskatchewan
"Heather Nickel of Your Nickel's Worth Publishing is a perfectionist who knows what she's doing, follows writers' protocol for getting works published and gives great assistance to get your books book was published by Your Nickel's Worth...[and] has been well received by the public...Heather is a knowledgeable and approachable person who takes what you have, corrects your mistakes, showcases the good and turns your work into a masterpiece..."

Diane Armstrong
You're Going Where?!
"Heather opened doors for me that I didn't even know were there. I was very impressed with the professional layout of the book as well as the cover design. I would not hesitate to recommend Heather of Your Nickel's Worth Publishing to any author."

Olga Stefaniuk
“I have have been richly rewarded in publishing with Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing. I would not have been able to publish my two brain health books without the excellent expertise of Ms. Heather Nickel. I highly recommend YNWP. Thank you, Heather Nickel, for your vital support of my writing aspirations.”

Dr. Felix Veloso, author of Stroke Prevention Naturally: Proven Non-Pharmaceutical Stroke Avoidance Strategies and Dementia Prevention Naturally: Evidence-Based Strategies To Enrich Cognition
“Heather is able to transform a manuscript into a book that is worthy of shelf space. Her magic touch made my book better than I ever thought possible!”

Treena Wynes, author of Am I the Only One? Struggling Being a Teen
“I've worked with YNWP on dozens children's picture books over the years, and have always found it to be a delightful experience. Heather Nickel is a consummate professional with an excellent eye for detail, and has always goes the extra mile to ensure the final product is flawless, and I look forward to working on dozens more!”

Val Lawton, professional artist
"Working with Heather is a delight. She is knowledgeable, resourceful, responsive and a team player. It was a pleasure to work with Heather in the creation of The Canadian Shield Alphabet book."

RoseMarie Condon
"Heather Nickel and Your Nickel's Worth Publishing have been the answer to this newbie author's prayers! Heather ... recognizes the fears and fragility of a first-time (or close-to-first-time) author, and treats each of us with TLC, honest encouragement, and a lot of business know-how. For me (and many, many others!) Your Nickel's Worth is priceless!!"

Jean Freeman
Where Does Your Dog Sleep?
“Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing released my first book in July of this year. I was most happy and impressed by the encouragement, helpful editing and respect for my ideas and intent. Everything was done promptly, quickly and at very reasonable rates. Assistance with distribution and marketing topped off this most positive experience.”

Joyce Olesen, author of 113 Boathouse Hill
"Smart, savvy and creative, YNWP is not your average publishing house. Heather Nickel cares about her authors, shepherding them through the publishing experience one step at a time."

Wes Funk, award-winning novelist, author of Cherry Blossoms, Dead Rock Stars and Wes Side Story: A Memoir
"Having worked with Heather for several years, I cannot give a more hearty endorsement of Your Nickel's Worth Publishing. She not only is very professional in the work she produces but has a wonderful sense of the intention of an author, depicting a writing so well in design and in how and where to promote it and its author. It is a great pleasure to work with her."

Florence Driedger
Jakob, Out of the Village
"Heather at Your Nickel's Worth Publishing provides a wonderful service to aspiring writers trying to get their work into print. She is there every step of the way and is an absolute joy to work with."

Lori Punshon
He Who Flies By Night: The Story of Grey Owl
“Heather Nickel (YNWP) has high standards, works extremely hard and is a pleasure to do business with. Many compliments have come my way since the publication of my book, including praise for its professional appearance and excellence in the quality of editing. Her services are worth every penny. Whoops! I mean every nickel.”

Bev Lundahl, author of Entangled Roots: The Mystery of Peterborough’s Headless Corpse